

Bassorilievi e Altorilievi.
Lavori in-situ e situati 2020-2024

The exhibition unfolds in two exhibition halls of the gallery where the artist will present a nucleus of 14 works, 7 of which are situated (to use the term Buren himself adopts) and 7 made in situ; in other words, they have been created in relation to their surroundings and inspired by the space in which they are placed. Reconnecting with the concept of sculpture, the title of the exhibition picks up on the techniques of high relief and bas-relief used by man since earliest times. Whereas in high relief the figures stand out strongly from the surface and protrude almost in the round from the plane, in bas-relief they emerge to a much lesser extent.

Daniel Buren - Photo-souvenir: Bassorilievi e Altorilievi. Lavori in-situ e situati 2020-2024
Exhibition view

Daniel Buren - Photo-souvenir: Bassorilievi e Altorilievi. Lavori in-situ e situati 2020-2024
Exhibition view

Daniel Buren - Photo-souvenir: Bassorilievi e Altorilievi. Lavori in-situ e situati 2020-2024
Exhibition view

Daniel Buren - Photo-souvenir: Bassorilievi e Altorilievi. Lavori in-situ e situati 2020-2024
Exhibition view

Daniel Buren - Photo-souvenir: Bassorilievi e Altorilievi. Lavori in-situ e situati 2020-2024
Exhibition view

Daniel Buren - Photo-souvenir: Pyramidal, haut-relief - A7
21 aluminum prisms, black and white satin acrylic paint, Alucobond© aluminum, black adhesive vinyl large 8,7 cm, glue
Cm 261 x 478,5 x 30,45

Daniel Buren - Photo-souvenir: Bassorilievi e Altorilievi. Lavori in-situ e situati 2020-2024
Exhibition view

Daniel Buren - Photo-souvenir: Bassorilievi e Altorilievi. Lavori in-situ e situati 2020-2024
Exhibition view

Daniel Buren - Photo-souvenir: Bas-Relief DB-TLR 7
25 iron nets, wood, red acrylic paint, adhesive vinyl
Cm 252,3 x 252,3

Daniel Buren - Photo-souvenir: Bas-Relief DB-TLR 6
25 iron nets, wood, green acrylic paint, adhesive vinyl
Cm 252,3 x 252,3